The Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan (ARSP) is the key strategic tool currently guiding the alpine sector. Whilst Alpine Resorts Victoria (ARV) continues to follow the strategic focus areas outlined in ARSP, following the transition to the single entity the Minister has requested ARV to review the current plan.

The review will update the ARSP to reflect the both the significant impact that COVID-19 has had on the sector and its operating environment, and the new direction of ARV in alignment with alpine governance reform. This will include affirming long-term strategic objectives for the alpine resorts and associated industry and resort priorities as set out in the current ARSP 2020-2025.

Consultation will be undertaken through the resorts' Stakeholder Consultative Committees.

The ARSP will be comprehensively reviewed at the term of the Plan (2025) and an extensive engagement process undertaken ahead of preparation of a new plan.

Page last updated: 03/11/23