The Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan (ARSP) is the leading strategic document for the alpine resorts, intended as a roadmap to guide and develop the sector. The current plan, 2020 – 2025, was prepared by the Alpine Resorts Coordinating Council.
In November 2023 ARV conducted an internal review, and updated the plan to reflect the changes to the governance model as a result of the implementation of ARV as a single entity and to ensure the plan reflected the ongoing economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The updated document reaffirms the vision and strategic objectives for sector.
The ARV Board has reviewed and endorsed the updated ARSP, whic is now being reviewed by the resort Stakeholder Consultative Committees (SCCs).
Once the SCCs have provided their feedback, the document will be reviewed and endorsed by the Minister for the Environment, the Hon. Steve Dimopoulos.
Consultation for the 2026 – 2030 plan will commence mid 2024, with a broad engagement program envisaged.
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Page last updated: 23/02/24