
  • Chair:  Alan Arthur, General Manager, ARV Mt Buller / Mt Stirling
  • Socrates Pilipasidis - Mt Buller Chamber of Commerce
  • Michael Balfe - Mt Buller Chamber of Commerce
  • Joel Dixon - Mt Buller Ratepayers Association
  • Richard Leder - Mt Buller Ratepayers Association
  • Noel Landry - Buller Ski Lifts
  • Nick Whitby - Buller Ski Lifts
  • Kirsten Alexander - Mansfield Shire Council
  • Bess Nolan-Cook - Tourism North East

Contact the Mt Buller SCC Chair:

Key themes

The SCC will produce a public Key Themes document after each meeting, outlining the main points of discussion for sharing with the wider resort stakeholder community. The current Key Themes document is available below.

20240613 Key Themes Buller SCC Meeting 3

Mt Buller SCC - Key themes, April 2024

Meeting dates


13 June

29 August

25 October

6 December

Page last updated: 28/06/24